We're sorry to hear your package didn't arrive by the estimated delivery date. While we work hard to get you your healthy essentials as quickly as possible, sometimes unexpected delays can occur during transit.
You can view the status of your order anytime from the “Orders” section of your account. Simply click on the order you’re curious about and we’ll tell you your shipping method, tracking details, and estimated delivery date. If your package is experiencing delays, you'll be able to see those updates here.
Step-by-step - Desktop Version:
- Hover the mouse over the
profile icon in the upper-right corner of the home page.
- Click on "Orders" in the drop-down menu, or click here to get your Orders page.
- Click on the order number that you are trying to locate. (This will be the 9-digit number under "ORDER")
- On this page, you will see the most up-to-date shipping information including all delays, processing issues, or returns.
Step-by-step - App Version:
- Click on "Account" at the bottom right of the screen. Then, tap "My Orders"
- Select the order you are looking for. Here you will be able to view the most up-to-date shipping information including all delays, processing issues, or returns.
If this doesn’t solve your issue, feel free to reach out to our 24/7 live chat at the bottom right of this page and we are happy to help.