*For recently placed orders, please reference this article for an estimated shipping date
Most orders are processed within 12 hours of when they are placed and ship within 24 hours. You will receive a shipping confirmation with tracking information as soon as your order has shipped.
Once shipped, you can view the status of your order at any time in the “My Orders” section of your "Account" page.
Most pantry orders will arrive within 2-4 days after placing your order.
Frozen orders take about 2-3 business days to arrive at your door once they have been shipped from our warehouse. We typically only ship frozen orders Monday through Wednesday to ensure your package does not experience delays over the weekend. Orders to select states may ship on Thursday.
Wine orders typically arrive within 3-6 days after placing your order.*
However, the most accurate date will be provided in your tracking information. Click here if you need help tracking a shipped order.