Since these products are shipped cold, we are not able to accept returns. Due to the perishable nature of our product, we cannot guarantee the condition of the delivery if the address is incorrectly entered, if a change of address isn't updated prior to the invoice date, if an address is altered while in transit, or if you are unable to retrieve the order on the guaranteed delivery date and did not notify us prior to the order being invoiced.
If you find yourself dissatisfied with the quality of any items in your order, please contact our Member Services team and we would be happy to issue you a credit to be used towards a future order & collect any feedback you have about your experience. Chat with them from the green Chat button in the bottom right.
At this time, not all members have access to Cold Shipped products like produce, dairy, and deli items—but we’re working hard to open this option up to all members as soon as we can. Look out for updates in your email or on our social media channels.